Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The grammar categories.

 Nouns: Is a used for the world to name a person, animal, place and other own names.
for example: Orlando works in the hospital. 
                       The cat is very ugly. 

Pronouns: A pronoun can replace a noun.
for example:    it
                     My car is new.
                        Maria  is my brother`s girlfriend.

Verbs: The verb can be the most important part of the sentence.
for example: She runs every day in the morning.
                      He was happy for his work.

Adjectives: The adjectives is modifying a noun or pronoun to identify  words:
 for example: The handsome man wants to buy a new car.
                        The pretty girl    just like the barbbies. 

Adverb: an adver modifies a verb and is the mode indicating time or place werw things the happen.
examples:Maria walks carefully on the street.
                 Fortunatelly my mom gave me money for college.

examples:Estela and Christian love to watch tv.
                  My brother called the police when they stole his wallet.

examples:  The broom is behind the door.
                    Sara went to the party with her friend.

examples: Oh! I forget the homework.
                  Wow! is a beautiful car.


1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    Remember you should add information and examples on the second topic about Sentence types.
