Friday, March 16, 2012

Types of Nouns

A noun is the name of a person, place, thing or ide. Whatever exist,we assume, can  be    named and that name is a noun. A proper noun, which names a specific person, place or thing.

Proper:  Most propers nouns, for example: New York, Coca Cola, Mary. Begin with a capital letter. Proper nouns are not usually preceded by articles or other determiners. Most proper nous are singular.
for example: 
1- I had a dinner with Orlando tonight.
2- Andrès and I will go to Spain.

examples: 1- The Pizza is hot, but rich.
                   2- The blue Pen is new.

Abstract: your five senses cannot detect this group of nouns. You cannot see , hear, smell , tasted or feel.
for example:
- Honesty
- Courage
- Loyalty
- Love
- Hate

Collective: Are words used to define a group of objects.
examples: 1- An army of frogs.
                   2- A promise of barmen.

Compound: Acoumpoun noun is a noun that is made up of two or more words. Most compound nouns in English are formed by nouns modofied by other nouns or adjectives.
for example:
1- What a beutiful the Computer!
2- I love getting up  at Sunrise.

examples: 1- The scissors are my aunt.
                   2- The book has much information. 
                   3- The cat is under the table.
                   4- The shoes are black.

Common:  A common noun is a noun that refers to a person, thing and place.
Example: - The white phone is nice.
                 - The black dog is in the room.

Countable: A countable noun is a type of noun that can be:
- Precented in both the singular form and the plural form.
- Represented by a number, such as two cats, five books.
- The cat is big.
- The cats are big.
- There are four cats in the room.

Uncountable: Uncountable nouns are substances, concepts, that we cannot divide into separate elements. We cannot ´´count´´ them. For example we cannot count ´´milk´´.
Some more uncountable nouns:
- money, currency.
- rice, sugar, butter, water.
- music, art, love, happines.


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